Hello there! This is my very first post and I can't wait to see what's to come as a result of breaking down the procrastination wall and jumping out there with my website. I truly believe the sky is the limit. I hope you stick around for the ride and see what's to come. I will be sure to keep you all posted on my comings and goings and all the exciting things happening in my new business. Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Dates and locations of different vendor show cases I'm participating in 
  • Health and wellness post AND cheat day food post...hilarious! I laugh at my own jokes! 
  • Travel Post
  • Day to day stuff and random thoughts...LOL!
  • New merchandise and design inspiration  
  • Things I can't think of right now...but will be sure to share ...hahaha!
  • Partnerships and shout outs to other great people living their dreams
  • Inspiration for our everyday lives

So its safe to say this isn't just a shopping/fashion blog. But it's my way of life blog. I hope that I can inspire a few folks out there and gain some inspiration from your feedback. Why?... because we're better together!

Thanks for reading and float through like a feather!
